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Everything posted by Penguinator

  1. Yes! Thank you. I unplugged the flight stick I wasn't using and the problem went away.
  2. I have recently encountered a rather infuriating issue with KSP. All of my rockets, no matter big or small always pitch downwards. I tried flying with and without SAS and RCS but neither seem to make a difference. I tried rotating my rocket 180 degrees so it starts off facing the other way but every time shortly after launch, it pitches down. I bought the game recently while the game was in 1.2.2. As of writing this the game is still 1.2.2 and I have not installed any mods from the time that this problem started to occur. The only mods i have installed are B9, Airplane Plus, and OPT space plane parts. Below are links to screenshots of a test Rocket to demonstrate my issue. http://imgur.com/a/VoaO1
  3. I just bought a Logitech extreme 3D pro as my first joystick so that I could use it for KSP, a game that i am relatively new to, but is quickly becoming one of my favorites. My issue is that under the Flight option in the input settings the movement of the joystick does not register as a command. Each of the buttons on the joystick work, just not the directionals. This is the case for the rotation, translation, throttle and other settings. Am I doing something wrong or is there a bigger problem to this?
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