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  1. Yes that is what I meant. I stand corrected. I’ve been obsessing with trying to add particles/plume as I was sure that one of the videos in this tread had them. Is it possible to manually add them referencing mods like real plume/smokescreen? PS. I totally copied your karbonite ISRU idea for my MKS/EPL build of the Endurance. Thanks for your help.
  2. Hey JPLRepo, I wanted to let you know that this mod is amazing and has consumed my world as I prepare for a large scale colonization attempt. One thing that is not working for me is the emissives on the lander and ranger are not functioning in vacuum (or atmo but smoke works). I note that this is listed your “to do” list but the videos on this thread all seem to have it working. I would be happy to post a log if that would help. I thought I would ask to see if there is an easy fix or if this was a known bug that everyone was able to figure out but me. Thanks for the fun!
  3. Hi folks, I seem to have successfully installed GPP secondary with Stock and Galileo OPM. I also used the config that Galileo recently mentioned for visual mods. The only problem I have now is that Kerbin is very yellow hue in colour. Any tips? Thanks again
  4. Hey there. I've been spending the last couple hours trying to get the update working. I did a fresh install and installed just the GPP stuff. It worked perfectly but when I tried to migrate my career and mods, things started to go wrong. Specifically, my career starts on Day 1 and 98% of my ships/bases are missing. I've used the career saver config as directed. One thing I also used in 1.2.2 was the GPP Rald (inner moon) configs. I've made some intelligent guesses where those files go in the new structure. Are these symptoms related to Rald (which I can live without in 1.2.3) or something else? Either way, been playing my GPP career since November and still enjoying every second of it. I've also been a quiet but faithful lurker of this forum and have really appreciated all the effort and fun. Thanks, C
  5. Thanks for that info and that is fine by me. There is lots to explore! Migration to 1.2.2 went smoothly so thanks for that as well. I feel so lucky to have started playing KSP with 1.1.3 with all the amazing work of the modding community already well developed. Best game ever, best community ever!
  6. This weekend was a major success with a man landing on Thalia and Eta. I can see why it is refered to as a cursed planet. Most of the flags played are labeled "Do not return here". The crew of the Franklin are now in Deep Freeze awaiting a return transfer window. One question I keep asking myself if is I will actually see any anomalies on other bodies. I appreciate that I don't want to post any spoilers but my ScanSat fleet has yet to detect one anywhere by Gael. Can someone simply confirm or deny their existence so that I can manage my expectations? Also, another question and I apologize if it sounds stupid but I've been holding off updating KSP to 1.2.2 as I thought that it broke GPP. Some of the updates on the OP make me think that GPP will do fine with 1.2.2 just some mods stop working. Can someone confirm this? Thanks again!
  7. Hey there. This is my first ever post but I've been lurking the forums and playing KSP solid for about 5 months. I just wanted to thank Galileo and all the others who worked or are working on this pack. This planet pack has been a joy to explore and was serious part of my holiday break! Thanks again and all the best in 2017.
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