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Everything posted by thezombiecat

  1. USI part MEU-500 Pulse Drill shuts down at 1000 times time warp I have been trying to set up a USI mining setup on minmus. Across several craft I have identified the same problem. Everything runs stable up to 100 times timewarp but as soon as I increase time warp to *1000 a message pops up “core overheating – shutting down” and all the pulse drills shut down. I tested it on the runway and it worked fine, as did the MEU-100 pulse drill and the industrial strip miner as well as the automatic versions (cant work out what the automatic versions do). When I took all of them to minmus again only the strip miners worked at 1000+ timewarp. I also tried going to another ship and using time walk, when I returned to the mining base they were all shut down.
  2. I am in the early stages of planning my next computer purchase. One of my desires is running KSP with reasonable framerates and excessive part counts. What resources can KSP use to achieve this result? How much ram can KSP benefit from, does KSP benefit from running from an SSD, what graphics card features does KSP utilize well, how many processor cores can KSP make use of, does OS make much difference to performance. are there anyy other isues i should consider. thankyou for anny advice the zombie kat
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