Hi folks!
I tried to do the Val "SSTO rover" one, but i'm terrible at SSTOs, so I picked up the Jeb one
I'm not the kind of "math" guy, but more a "Add moar boosters" and "Rocket goes BRRRR"
So, this is the over engineered rocked used :
Let's go away from Kerbin, on our way to Minmus!
Around the rock :
Landed here, and planned to head north to plant a flag to a "very special" place
Landing soon!
Rover attacked by the almighty Kraken Lord, but still has enough wheels to drive
Some sick moves
After struggling the whole day at 5FPS, dealing with the low gravity and all the Kraken attacks on my rover, I managed to visit my "special place" and got back to ship, but with a solar panel killed in action.
Sadly, I didn't circumnavigated Minmus but hey, it was enough struggle for the day!
Let's go back to Kerbin!
Camera is drifting, and there's nothing to fix it...
Had to cheat again here, and reload a previous save from before landing on Minmus...
KSC in sight!
Ooops, overshoot KSC a bit and messed up chutes deployment
Welcome back Bill and Bob!
Hope you folks appreciated my modest trip to Minmus, kudos to my brave GTX 1060 6Go that gave all she has (at 5-10 FPS) for this trip