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  1. nice, skimmed trough the examples but must have missed it uh yah, when i mean get into orbit i mean orbit with no grace or finesse at all since i'm playing RP-0 career mode and my current vessel have like 500~ delta-V to spare lol
  2. i currently have something like that aside from the tuning part, anywho i'm currently working more towards actually getting something into orbit and the optimization will come later, right now I'm wondering about what exactly the method "current_requirement" returns, i hope it's something like the amount of fuel burnt per time unit.
  3. when i was reading around about optimal accent paths pretty much all i could find said that they are very vessel dependent, i don't know how true it is but somewhere it said that NASA calculate the optimal accent path by pretty much just brute forcing it, anyway the conclusion i drew from it all was that doing the "basic" definition of the gravity turn was a good start
  4. well what i do is when the rocket reaches 100m/s~ i tip it to about 80~ degrees and disable controls, gravity then pulls the vessel down in such a way i get a nice turn into space, which starts at 100km with low earth orbits at 200km~ since i use "real space"
  5. I'm currently playing with the whole "realism overhaul" package including "real space" so i am trying to code a "normal" gravity turn, so far the actual gravity turn works flawlessly but i would want the autopilot to still correct any deviations in heading/roll, also i feel that currently the autopilot is way to aggressive to do some maneuvers in atmosphere like the initial tip of the gravity turn, i could just turn of the autopilot and set the pitch manually but then the autopilot wont correct the other axis's.
  6. I some some questions regarding the auto pilot, first is it possible to disable it for one axis? Second, if i want it to adjust slower to new commands do I increase all the tuning values with the same precentage or is it better to adjust them in different proportions?
  7. You're a monster, I used to just program during work, now I program all the day AND work with math when I come home... You see what have done to my life?, you feel no shame?, do you get joy from doing this to people? (shake fist in anger)
  8. Hey, have you thought about using the geometry boost library?, It seems to have a lot of neat functions for calculating, manipulatating and transforming coordinate systems
  9. So anyone else using visual studio and know which compiler settings needs turning of and maybe any other setting?
  10. argh, I'm failing miserably at building the c++ library for windows, built it fine for Linux but that does not help me much, anyone want to describe how they built the library for use in windows?
  11. So i don't know if RP-0 1.2.2 is still relevant but I'm wondering if some of the aircraft parts for big planes would be better of getting at the start, i was gonna try replicating those early super sonic tests like the X-1 tests but some of the kinda essential bigger aircraft parts like large landing gears lay like two steps deeper then the early super sonic parts something I find a little odd since the X-1 tests started 1946 and the where strapped to an b-29 But that's my opinion
  12. hmm, seems like i also have some kind of compatibility problem since the game crashes during the module manager patching and also seem to happen so abruptly that KSP has no chance to log it or it crashes just after it's done patching also the game loads fine when realism is not added
  13. my GPU is currently borked so that's why im kinda late with any findings, anywho i have done some testing and i found two things, first i'm pretty sure the aerobee engine does not work, second is that the engine cutout only happens when I am attached to any type of launch clamps, if i just put it on the ground it launches fine, it seems like for a split second when it switches over from local control it throttles to zero and since realism overhaul has limited number of ignitions it can't reignite and shuts off, i wonder if this is easily solved with having the throttle start at max but i have not found a way to do that
  14. huh, i think it's remote tech since when i try an other design the engines immediately throttle to zero when i release the clamps, this is even when i have the throttle to zero on lost connection setting off
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