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Everything posted by Madauhcip

  1. Thanks so much. Now, JEB CAN RULE THE SKIES!!!!!!
  2. BDA is the only mod installed, so my planes are completely stock, save the missiles, gun, ammo, and radome. Yes, both planes have AI Pilots & Weapon Managers. When the planes are sitting on the runway, both show up on the VS Menu. Then, I start the competition and it looks good, but then one just stops working and then disappears from the VS Menu.
  3. Whenever I am using the Competition Mode in BDArmory, both planes start, but then one just hits the brakes and shuts down its engines and so I can't have them fight. How should I remedy this problem?
  4. I used to.....then my SPH got so full that I started to test planes before saving them.
  5. I made a cool plane and forgot to save it. I then launched it. I made a new plane, and then realized I forgot to save the first plane. I have a quicksave back to before plane #2 was created, but it is still auto-saved. Can I recover plane #1?
  6. I have downloaded BD Armory version I have attached Weapons Managers to my planes, and I have electricity, but when I launch it says "weapons manager not detected". Help? EDIT: I just downloaded the new version, but it still doesn't work. I have attached the part called the 'weapon manager'. It has electricity, but it doesn't work still.
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