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Posts posted by JeanLucJ

  1. Hello,

    I'm new to ksp modding, but have done quite a lot of personnal mods in other games, in various technical environnements.

    A simple question : are there some ground explanations on the principles behind ksp code?

    Obviously, in modding there is always some thinking and trial-and-error needed find things out (and forum help :p), especially for the most obscure and rarely used stuff.

    On the other hand, I spent time digging in the various classes in Assembly-CSharp.dll, https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/, the wiki, ... and I found no entry-level explanations.

    For example : are there any high level explanations of the logic of the flight model ?

    Vessel class has quite a lot of 3dvectors (acceleration, gravitic_acceleration, angular velocity, east...), some are probably computed from others and / or taking other factors into account (atmosphere and so on).

    Obviously, describing the complete logic is a daunting (if not impossible without the source code) task, yet, I'm sure the community has a working knowledge of it.


    I don't mind doing research, for now I understand already quite a lot (not counting the flight model :p), there are a lot of mod sources code available to help, but if something exist, it would help.


    Thanks :)

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