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    Private Pilot
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  1. Is spacedock down for anyone else? I can't seem to be able to reach it. Tried multiple devices and browsers. I saw there was maintenance monday, but that's supposed to be done, right?
  2. Is there a way to change the planet in the VAB? I am trying to make a Duna lander, and can't figure out how to switch to see the TWR and Delta-V on Duna.
  3. Ultimately, everything! Multiplayer, better vanilla graphics, colonization, interstellar, new parts! It's gonna be so cool. Colonization barely ekes out the top spot for me, but not by much!
  4. Banned for ban message being backwards
  5. I am reading both static and ram air pressure, so would I just put my static air pressure in for P then? Also definitely in incompressible regime
  6. Hi all. I am working on an airspeed indicator, and I am having some problems. I can get dynamic pressure easily, and it appears to be correct, fluctuating only slightly(0.00 - 0.07 kPa) when at a dead stop. Those values appear to be fine, but they cause huge fluctuations in the airspeed I calculate from it. I get from a dynamic pressure of 0.04 kPa to an airspeed of 32ish mph. I am using this equation to calculate the airspeed from the dynamic pressure. where A0 = 661.4788 knots and P0 = 29.92126 inches Hg and q_c is the dynamic pressure. The overall output should be in knots. I'm at a loss as to why this doesn't work. If anyone has any clue, please let me know.
  7. Hey everyone, coming back to the forums after a long KSP hiatus. I made a flag for my new corporation, and I would love help/advice on what to do with it. Mostly it has to do with improving readability. I like the design, but its kind of blurry at a distance. Any design advice would be greatly appreciated too! Thanks, Cadet_BNSF
  8. Maybe Kerbal Konstructs could be used. Hmm, I'll, get back to you in a couple days
  9. Don't know if you realize, but that is a lot of work for one part. As a disclaimer, I don't mod, but I know that my free time is valuable, and I don't appreciate more of it being taken up by something I only slightly enjoy. SOOO, unless you really enjoy making parts, like @CobaltWolf or @Angel-125, who each have made hundreds of parts in their mods, this is not something that is worth it for @SQUAD.
  10. But then Take2 and @SQUAD don't make money off of the DLC, which is the point of releasing it
  11. Tape Gaming did a video where he made a ring around Gilly
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