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35 Excellent
  1. It's amazing and very creative! (And only stock. WOW!)
  2. Vessels: They are all stock. I built them. Pictures: I flew the vessels to the correct place. Then I positioned them in the screen with mouse buttons and pressed F2 to hide the UI, then take a picture. Datasheets: Photoshop. Searching good looking font type, image editing, etc.
  3. I created all of my entries a datasheet.
  4. Cake... ...it's a lie. Portal, The Cake
  5. SandvichRover "Sandvich makes me strong!" Team Fortress2 Heavy's sandvich
  6. IceCreamRocket Ouhh! Noo! The scoop of mint is falling down!
  7. Is it enabled to submit multiple entries? If it is not, then is it enabled to update the first entrie? (Of course befor Wednesday 25th.)
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