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  1. It looks like a great mod, however I seem to be having trouble with it. I've installed it, however, it doesn't appear, none of the parts and such. For what it's worth, the KSPedia entry appears, but nothing else. I also have Mechjeb 2.0 and stagerecovery along with airplanesplus installed on my game, and they work fine. update: I read the bug thing, and i am using windows 10, through steam, and i have found the log file, but i am not sure how to attach it to here.
  2. I recently got the game, and one of my first missions that I accepted in career mode required that I take temperature and pressure readings a solid ~400 km away from the space center. I have tried to make a rover, by using the first rover wheel you can get and pretty much taping 6 of them to an inline mk. 1 cockpit, with solar panels all over. This was a poor idea, as it seems almost every time i hit a slope about as steep as the grass around the runway, going any faster than 10 m/s, usually a wheel will explode, soon leaving me with no other choice but to start again. any suggestions are appreciated.
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