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Everything posted by 2204happy

  1. Hello everyone (and hopefully any KSP developers), It has been years since I have been on this forum, but I was alerted to the news that Kerbal Space Program will be having its final update via a ping in the KSP discord. I haven't played the game in ages, I have just been so preoccupied, but upon hearing this news, I have been overwhelmed by a massive wave of nostalgia, and I cannot wait to get back into the game now. Just looking back on the history of this game is amazing, the first version I played was version 0.21, so I'm not as that much of a veteran as others, but even still, 0.21 was released way back in 2013, which was 8 years ago, time really does fly! But on to what I mentioned in the title. I remember a while back (perhaps 5-6 years ago idk), on KSPTV, a developer (whom I believe was Maxmaps?), did a livestream where he played through the earliest versions of the game, versions prior to 0.7.3 that were never released, these had been found I believe on an old backup drive or something from HarvesteR, and I remember really wanting to play them, hoping that they would be released one day, unfortunately that day never came (at least to my knowledge), and I hope that by writing this there could be some slim chance that they might get released after all of these years, after all it would be fitting. I know this is far fetched but I feel I have to try, my past self would hate me if I didn't take this opportunity. And Finally, I would like to thank every developer who has worked on what is perhaps my favourite game of all time, I started playing the game when I was 11, and Kerbal Space Program has brought me hours of joy (understatement of the year!), and has been one of the most defining parts of my childhood. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. P.S: I can't wait for KSP 2!
  2. Unity can be a bit funky with custom resolutions so thats probably why
  3. I'm not sure why, but ever since the mk1 command pod overhaul the little old mk16 parachute has just seemed a little out of place, with it's low res textures and everything. I do understand that many people may disagree with me however as it is to my knowledge the only part who's texture and mesh have not changed since the first public release of the game, and might be considered nostalgic to some players. Maybe it would be a good idea for squad to keep the part in as an easter egg or something similar.
  4. SimpleRockets2, a game similar to ksp but without the kerbals was recently released into early access. If you don't want Kerbals then its probably a good alternative.
  5. Running it from the command line *might* spit something useful out, try that
  6. 2204happy


    I'm not sure where to post this, but i seem to be logged into this mr.xenophorph account on the wiki, and when I log out, it logs me back in. Not sure where to report this sorry. EDIT: only on the main page does this show
  7. 2204happy


    https://imgur.com/a/43ay9Tg Sounds Delicious edit: just realised it was intentional
  8. The celestial body used to be called Mun But I realised 1.3 changed this to The Mun. Has anybody else realised this
  9. There is no difference. What is the definition of the word definition?
  10. Now that DLC is coming. It would be nice if the old versions were made available on the downloads page.
  11. I knew KSP was going to release DLC! Can't wait for it Edit: will there still be occasional free updates?
  12. I was more saying to add a poll as an estimate to see how many people want it. Not sure that KSP will make DLC, just guessing. I do to! I've kept all of the versions that I got in its original .zip since 0.21 when i started playing.
  13. Ok, I think a good idea would be to add a poll, however I don't know how to. Could someone tell me were the button is.
  14. Why would anyone base their experience of an old version of something. Agreed Not sure about this, but most people want the old versions to be made available and in theory it could increase PR and therefore increase sales of potential DLC later down the track. Edit: Maybe once the free versions have finished and they move on to DLC they might be planning on putting the old versions up on the downloads page to best make use of a PR boost. My bet is they maybe planning to put the old releases on the downloads page on the same day that they release their first DLC.
  15. 1.That will be like saying windows is bad because windows me is bad 2.If you include a disclaimer with the download saying not to report any bugs IN BIG BOLD LETTERS this will stop most of the bug reports being submited 3. Squad could make a rule similar to how its banned to constantly ask for mod updates. 4. The newest demo is almost in every way better than the oldest paid versions
  16. I also spelt persistence wrong still doesn't work
  17. Thanks, I can't believe i missed that However it still doesn't work
  18. Hello! So today I found a really good tutorial video on how to make kopernicus planets made by The White Guardian. I followed the tutorial and another one of his tutorials where he uses gimp to make planet maps. So i have the 3 maps and a config file. When I load ksp module manager loads the patch. However the planet does not show up in game. I check the logs but there were errors to do with it. Here is my config file: @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Body { name = Ekil cacheFile = /ekil/cache/ekil.bin Template { name = Ike removeAllPQSMods = true } Properties { description = "a description" radius = 500000 geeASL = 0.8333 tidallyLocked = false rotates = true rotationPeriod = 19800 timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 5000 10000 25000 50000 100000 150000 500000 ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 8 inSpaceLowDataValue = 7 inSpaceHighDataValue = 6 recoveryValue = 6 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 25000 } } ScaledVersion { type = Vacuum Material { texture = ekil/Ekil_Color.png normal = ekil/Ekil_Normal.png } } Orbit { referenceBody = Sun semiMajorAxis = 30 576 327 234 inclination = 0.1 eccentricity = 0.1 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 1 argumentOfPeriapsis = 1 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 15 epoch = 30 color = 0.3,0.3,0.3,1 } PQS { Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = ekil/Ekil_Bump.png deformity = 5000 scaleDeformityByRadius = false offset = -100 enabled = true order = 10 } VertexHeightNoise { noiseType = RiggedMultifractal deformity = 4000 frequency = 6 persistence = 0.2 lacunarity = 2.5 octaves = 7 mode = low seed = 65998 enabled = true order = 15 } VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute { Deformity = 500 octaves = 12 persitence = 0.3 frequency = 24 seed = 78965 enabled = true order = 25 } VertexColorMap { map = ekil/Ekil_Color.png enabled = true order = 35 } } } } If anyone could find out whats wrong that would be very helpful. Thanks! EDIT: I fixed the parsing error but it still doesn't work
  19. I see what you mean, however squad has not said anything about the matter and it would help if they explained why they couldn't/don't want to. When I lurked the forums i've seen plenty of people request that they make old versions available going years back
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