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  1. What type of psu would you suggest ? Also what are your keyboard and mouse recommendations?
  2. Took into account all your advice and switched the i3 for the pentium and got 2x4gb of ram instead of 1x8, also scrapping the wifi adapter which allowed me to fit in an rx470 all for just £20 over budget! Which I can live with! https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/jdC8zM
  3. So I'm thinking of starting my first ever build soon and as I'm relatively new to pc gaming I thought it get a few opinions on the parts before I begin to buy them all. I currently play ksp on my laptop with all the lowest settings but I want to begin using more mods, especially visual ones, to improve my experience. I have a budget of roughly £500 to buy all the parts, excluding monitor, OS, keyboard and mouse. What sort of performance do you guys think I could expect from this build? Also how do you think this build would cope with other games such as witcher 3, bf1 and gta5 for example? https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/HtqmQV Thanks
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