I attempted to use CKAN to install RO with other mods that i like such as RP-0 and Lack's Stock Extention, 89-95 Mods total.
My issue is that whenever try and make a plane/use wings is that they dont function, I cant adjust pitch yaw and roll, i don't get a center of lift, all i get is a blue circle hovering below my plane. I really wanted to make a plane so i could complete the X-Plane mission, But there may be a few mods clashing with one-another, Please help!
List of mods:
"name": "AIESAerospace-Unofficial"
"name": "ALCOR"
"name": "AtomicAge"
"name": "HazardTanksTextures"
"name": "ConnectedLivingSpace"
"name": "CryoEngines"
"name": "CryoEngines-LFO"
"name": "CryoEngines-SurfaceAttach"
"name": "DeadlyReentry"
"name": "DMagicOrbitalScience"
"name": "FASA"
"name": "FilterExtensions"
"name": "Firespitter"
"name": "ForgottenRealEngines"
"name": "FShangarExtender"
"name": "KAS"
"name": "KIS"
"name": "KSP-AVC"
"name": "KWRocketry"
"name": "MechJeb2"
"name": "NearFutureConstruction"
"name": "NearFutureProps"
"name": "NearFuturePropulsion"
"name": "NearFuturePropulsion-LowThrustEP"
"name": "NearFutureSolar"
"name": "NearFutureSolar-Core"
"name": "NearFutureSpacecraft"
"name": "PersistentRotation"
"name": "ProceduralFairings"
"name": "ProceduralFairings-ForEverything"
"name": "ProceduralParts"
"name": "RasterPropMonitor"
"name": "RasterPropMonitor-Core"
"name": "RCSBuildAid"
"name": "RealismOverhaul"
"name": "RP-0"
"name": "RemoteTech"
"name": "RLA-Stockalike"
"name": "RN-Skylab"
"name": "RocketdyneF-1"
"name": "RealSolarSystem"
"name": "SCANsat"
"name": "ScienceAlert"
"name": "SemiSaturatableRW"
"name": "SXT"
"name": "TACLS"
"name": "Taerobee"
"name": "Tantares"
"name": "TantaresLV"
"name": "TestFlight"
"name": "TextureReplacer"
"name": "UniversalStorage"
"name": "VenStockRevamp"
"name": "NearFutureElectrical"
"name": "RSSDateTimeFormatter"
"name": "ASETAgency"
"name": "ModuleManager"
"name": "CommunityTechTree"
"name": "CrossFeedEnabler"
"name": "B9PartSwitch"
"name": "CommunityResourcePack"
"name": "CryoTanks"
"name": "DeployableEngines"
"name": "FirespitterCore"
"name": "FirespitterResourcesConfig"
"name": "KWRocketry-CommunityFixes"
"name": "AdvancedJetEngine"
"name": "FerramAerospaceResearch"
"name": "ModularFlightIntegrator"
"name": "SolverEngines"
"name": "KerbalJointReinforcement"
"name": "RealChute"
"name": "RealFuels"
"name": "RealHeat"
"name": "RealPlume"
"name": "SmokeScreen"
"name": "Kopernicus"
"name": "BDAnimationModules"
"name": "NearFutureElectrical-Core"
"name": "RSSTextures2048"
"name": "KerbalConstructionTime"
"name": "ProceduralDynamics"
"name": "KerbalRenamer"
"name": "KSCSwitcher"
"name": "ContractConfigurator"
"name": "CustomBarnKit"
"name": "MagiCore"
"name": "KerbalConstructionTime-RP-0-Config"
"name": "ReCoupler"
"name": "VensStylePPTextures"
Sorry for the exessive { } and "name" Stuff, I just took my modlist from CKAN and Copy pasted it for convenience.
Please help!