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  1. @IncongruousGoat I don't mind asking per se but this is a puzzle game, as in you have to figure out the best ship parts to use, the best trajectories, the most efficient staging etc etc. That's where the fun comes from, when I look it up I feel like it becomes completely pointless to even play this game.
  2. I actually very much wish that this game allowed us to actually plan things like this, however it just doesn't have enough tools and feedback to make this realistic. For example I'd love to see things like friction vectors on ascension, so I can see why my craft is tilting to the side, or in the modelling view be able to see a precise center of mass and be able to position things with precision. All this game needs is a solid "user assist" as it's got a nice foundation already.
  3. If only the item descriptions were actually helpful it would be so much easier to plan the tree. As of this point I have 4th column all filled except for flight control, on the 5th I only have fuel systems and heavy rocketry. However I think I'm starting to see that it doesn't matter much tech wise and that better engines won't get me there, I just need to understand the flight dynamics a bit better. Right now my approach to get to the moon was just blast off and head straight there, but I've watched someone play and they did stuff like slingshots around earth first and he didn't even need retro rockets for reentry back, he just used a shallow angle of entry etc. So I think I'm doing lots of things wrong and that's why standing in one spot. I'm getting a bit bummed out at this point because I think it's pointless to ask you guys or watch videos to learn these strategies as that's the whole point of the game - to figure them out, however it's almost impossible to do that without actually knowing proper orbital procedures.
  4. I seem to be stuck and I'm not sure what to do at this point. Just for reference where I am now, I've got 4 levels of science unlocked, just unlocked heavy rocketry and fueling systems on the 5th tier. However using the best engines, best fuel tanks my ship comes out extremely tall and extremely heavy, so staging wise I only have enough power to crash into the moon. I don't have enough tech to make a stage to retro softly into it, and don't have the landing tech yet. So I desperately need at least 300 science right now to unlock 2 upper levels of techs. However my current science is exactly 0.6, and I have absolutely no idea how to get more. I exhausted the goo, the thermometer, the barometer, the evas, the sci jr, now they all yield zero now. So what do I do? I noticed a few of my contracts yeild miniscule science but it's nowhere near enough for me. Thanks.
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