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  1. Yes, no matter what I tried, the mission requirements and tech tree where all messed up with my save. Launched a new campaign and all was fixed. I guess this is because I began this career on a previous version of KSS. Thx, Aspar
  2. Hello, I updated the game automaticaly with Steam, I checked the files integrity and all is correct. I made several tries with only a unmanned pod, an antenna and a solar panel directly on the launch pad before posting on this forum and I never got the check mark on the mission panel (that's why I posted, I wanted to be certain). Anyway Thank you for the Alt F12 trick, I didn't know about that and it solved my problem. My guess is that my savegame is incompatible in some way with the new version and I'll I to deal with it. Well the strange thing is that I remember having unlocked the orange fuel tanks in my previous session and it is now locked in another part of the tree... So I guess the rule is not as simple as that. Many thanks to all of you and to this very friendly forum, Have nice launches and landings !
  3. Hello and thank you for your answers, Yes I have a battery on the other side, and no, no klowing, refueling nor docking. It came directly from kerbin to orbit. No modding except a mechjeb module that doesn't work because it is from a previous version In fact I'am currently playing a career that I started long time ago when it was version 1.0 maybe (when career first appeared). And I continued this career recently on V1.22 (same save). I don't know if it's related to my problem but I noticied that I have some modules available for construction that are not unlocked in my new technical tree. I think it's because the tree has changed since my previous run on this career. Picture I must tell that I tried to launch satellite without any of those components before and it did not check the box either, but maybe my run is corrupted in some way ?
  4. Hello Everyone, I'am brand new to this forum but I have around 150 hours in the game. I have a problem with the unmanned satellite mission in the career mode: I can't meet the " build a new unmanned satellite that has an antenna and can generate power" requirement. Here are the steps: I accept the mission I build an unmanned rocket from scratch I add solar panels and the antenna (along with batterie & science stuff) Launch/Meet the orbit requirement and... no joy... Here's the screen, I have read a lot of threads already about that, Also I saw a YT video where the guy check the box with more or less the same satelite than me at least after he gets out of the kerbin atmosphere. I really can't figure what I'm doing wrong here. Could you help me ? Image (didn't succeed in inserting the image directly in the post )
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