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  1. Here's a picture to show you what happens. Any time I launch something from kerbin with resources and a logistics pod, as soon as it goes into LKO it dumps half of what its got into planetary resources. SUPER annoying, since I can't figure out how to get everything back, and can't use it. http://i.imgur.com/a74Cqb0.jpg http://imgur.com/KsSVSMV even tried just deploying everything in kerbin orbit, and it'll work, up until the resources still on the ship run out, at which point I can't do anything. so, to sum it up, it seems like planetary logistics just takes your things and doesn't give them back
  2. Well, So the way I had to fix it was by going into the command prompt and cleaning up the C drive. something got corrupted, dont know how, but man that was frustrating!
  3. Hey! question about USI kolonization, can't find enough details about how planetary logistics works, but here's something interesting for you guys. got a lander built, complete with enough materials kits to build a small base on minmus (farthest I've got so far haha) a hab module, some agricultural modules, an inflatable workshop, the works, adds up to some 12,000 material kits. here's whats happening though. If I dont disable the warehouses for all the storage containers, then when I get to LKO half my supplies get auto-moved to "planetary logistics". If I DO disable warehouse, i bring everything with me to minmus. BUT, either way, I still dont have enough to inflate anything when I finally land. the containers are full, but I still get the "not enough material kits" message, with or without warehouse disabled.. anyone have a similar issue? how does planetary logistics work exactly anyway? Is there a way to manually move stuff to and from planetary storage? (oh, the lander has a tundra logistics module, of course, oh, and theres a small minmus station in orbit with a logistics module as well)
  4. Getting basically the same issue. Problem is that I apparently don't have permission to change permissions either..... Weird, since I had permissions to add mods to the game, just not delete them, or anything in the gamedata directory.
  5. Hi! long story short, recently downloaded a few mods and successfully installed them. after playing around with them for awhile, i wanted to curate my mods, add a few more, remove some others, and so on. Went to the gamedata directory and attempted to uninstall some files and got an "access denied error" problem -> only one account on computer, and its admin. Can't access/remove/move files in the Kerbal Space Program file, says I don't have permission (which is new, as I've modded the game before) Tried giving myself permission via properties/security blah blah blah, nevermind that it shouldn't have changed Doesn't work. Specific error message when attempting to alter permissions to files within KSP directory -> "failed to enumerate objects" ???? once it hits the "squad" folder. Help! I just want to uninstall all my mods, or failing that, successfully uninstall/delete/re-install the whole game. Update -> Tried going in manually and editing the security settings for all folders individually to include all possible users, nothing changed, still throws access denied any time i attempt to delete anything within the gamedata folder, the folder itself, or the KSP folder it resides in. However, I could (and did) delete everything else within the folder, as at this point, I'm just trying to delete and uninstall/reinstall a clean copy of the game. Anyone have any experience with this problem? Permissions were not changed on anything within the steam directory except all the files in gamedata, And I can change anything BUT whats in gamedata. Seriously, whats wrong? (Forum Mods are wonderful people)
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