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  1. I just recently downloaded kerbal engineer redux for my modded version of ksp and now that I have installed the mod none of my ksp games work on my computer even a completely ksp different game with different mods. I uninstalled engineer redux and as long as there is a mod in the game files even just mech jeb it makes the game crash while loading. I removed any threats that malware bytes detected and it is still crashing. It works perfectly without any mods. The crash report says that mono.dll caused an access violation. Also I don't know if this helps or not but every time it crashes the loading bar on the bottom is at loading asset bundle definitions. If you know the solution for this please comment it. I was thinking about factory resetting the computer but I want to do something else.
  2. It isnt working for even manned pods but how do I check crew achievements?
  3. I started a career game and just upgraded tracking station and mission control right away since not having all the nodes are annoying. Everytime I try to launch a plane or rocket the manuever buttons like prograde and retrograde will not show and idk why. Plz help I need me manuever buttons. :c
  4. Thanks for all ze advice I just put a experiment storage unit on the pod and a decoupler under it and it landed first time. Such an easy fix should've known
  5. One more question. I have a science jr in a payload container since i have 3 crew command pod should I put the other science equipment like mystery goo containters on the pod with heating off instead? Idk if this will help
  6. Thanks for advice I tried to add picture but forum isnt letting me. It sucks but im gonna have to change the ship design and do the mission again without drogue shoots(Havent researched them yet) I really need to xc
  7. I have staged the parachutes I believe I am going way too fast for them to stage and I would have a screenshot but I have to do this on phone due to lack of internet. I have tried thrusting retrograde with leftover fuel but it just seems to speed back up after. Speed is usually 1000 m/s
  8. Okay so I have sent a rocket to minmus and I am able to get back in an orbit around Kerbin. My parachutes just will not deploy making me crash and I have adjusted the sliders to different adjustments and none of them work. What do I do?
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