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10 Good
  1. Thanks for the replies guys and the suggestion Snark. I may well try it, though coding tends to backfire with me. Fen
  2. Though usable, the current ship loading tab with only the SPH and VAB menus is very limited. Can we have some extra or renameable tabs please? Perhaps an Archive or Historic tab for ships that we don't really need anymore, but want to keep for whatever reason would be nice. This would really help to declutter the current ship lists and gives some other choices than just deleting our works of love. Although a drag and drop feature will need to be developed. One day this could be improved into a Kerbal Space History Museum being built at the Space Centre along side all the other buildings. This museum could show achievements from the Mission Control Archives, the Science Archives, parts/remains of returned rockets or pieces new built in the VAB. The museum's size would depend on the funds invested and could perhaps provide a profit or loss depending on it's visitors. Thanks for all the hard work so far and the bug fixes. Fen
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