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  1. @SkylonYou were talking about a mun lander, if you want to make it manned I'm happy to help launch a Soyuz A style lunar train, using my Rho capsule.
  2. @TheEpicSquared I'm not sure whether this should be in the submission thread since it is a mission ensemble, rather than a lone rocket. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bzr683cBbGPTN3pPcXY3UkdSbFE The Sigma-Rho project, using a Sigma lifter to carry the Rho manned capsule to LKO. First launch scheduled as soon as you can construct it. I'd like to hire a kerbonaut for SeabCo operations. PS. All previous progress scrapped. PPS. @Skylon I can launch that mun satellite if you still need it, for around 15,000 funds.
  3. I'm just uploading my (new) rocket, since my unflown one was, TBH, terrible. The Alpha will remain a paper project, to be replaced by the Sigma. I'll post the craft when it finishes.
  4. Right, after cancelling the Mun-1 flight, I've decided to stage a Kerballed flight instead. This will utilise an Alpha rocket, and a specially made Rho Capsule.I'm up to sending your kerbals to orbit, for a fee which is TBC. The onboard supplies are enough for 4 days on orbit. To reiterate, one launch of this, ASAP.
  5. Yep, I have supplies. It might even be able to dock to a station at a stretch. I'm up for it if anyone wants their Kerbals to orbit, I need those contracts!
  6. I'd just like to remind all that the Alpha/Mod.1 is ready to launch payloads of up to 1.3T, price given on demand. Can even launch small payloads on Munar orbital flights, and of course Keostationary orbits. Will even launch classified payloads, including industrial, um, 'inspiration' satellites (), over opposition launch sites.
  7. Excellent challenge so far, so much that I have absolutely no idea on what my budget is I have a couple of suggestions. Once Kerbals start making it to orbit, maybe have a table of where e.g; what vessel, Kerbals are, and which are available. Maybe having a recruitment could cost money, but after it's yours to keep? Maybe have a file showing pictures of all the LVs and their stats? The current one gives no indication of size, or looks. I'd be happy to do this, if you want. Seabo14
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