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Posts posted by Bu_Gee

  1. On 12/20/2016 at 1:57 PM, JOHNMKNIGHT said:

    Ok. Got the 1.5 version compiling now! Here's what I've implemented so far:

    For Vessel:

    v.canComm -- current CommNet ability to communicate

    v.canScience -- current CommNet ability to transmit Science

    v.isConnected  -- Is connected to CommNet

    v.isConnectedHome -- Is connected to KDSN (Kerbin Deep Space Network)

    v.getCrew -- List of current crew members names


    More to come!

    Do you know when we'll get a release of the above?  If it is going to be a while, could I get a development build of this?

    I want to use Telemachus to help determine how certain orbital profiles affect communication and I think the above is what I need.


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