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Posts posted by cantrbe

  1. That's odd, I would've thought it would have been updated as well. Unity 5 (a newer version of unity is coming out soon, (it should be out by late March), and by then KSP Should be running natively at 64 bit (can't wait, unlimited mods!!!).

    Anyway, glad to hear it's not crashing, but there's no way to get the update until SQUAD releases it... You could try running 32 bit KSP in OpenGL instead? It helps it run more smoothly and I saved almost a gig of ram by doing It! Check out this link:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84203-Less-memory-usage-by-using-OpenGL for more details.

    Glad I coud help


  2. Hi, KSP may run better in 64 bit mode, but is generally more unstable. This is because KSP is built on the Unity 4 engine, which, currently, is 32 bit. The warning is simply telling you the game is prone to crashing, regardless of mods - almost clockwork. However, if the lag when running 32 bit is Unbearable, and you're comfortable with the regular crashes, then 64 bit is fine.

    Also, 64 bit Ksp IS 32 bit KSP, just tweaked a little, so versions should still be up to date.

    Happy rocketeering!

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