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  1. Not a full fail without explosions, but my recient Moho mission partially failed due to low TWR. Because of the insane dV requirements I decided to just send an ion powered spacecraft. So, I get to Moho and guess what, the capture burn takes 5500 m/s and it takes over 2 hours! Wouldn't be too bad (have better timewarp mod installed), except there's a catch; the flyby only lasts for like 30 minutes. So I decided to give up and make it a flyby mission. Still allowed me to max the tech tree though Also, a recient mission to the Mun almost failed because the lander tipped over. Instead of giving up though I used it as a rocket powered rover that crawled along the ground until I got to a nearby crater, then took off using the crater as a ramp
  2. Just came back from a Duna-Ike mission with Bill and another Kerbal. They did not land anywhere though, but the remaining kerbal did land on Ike (the pod only had space for 1 so I decided to send the scientist. As for the other 2 main kerbals, both dead. Bob died crushed by a service bay, Val died when she stepped out of the capsule during reentry (not a good idea)
  3. Never gone there either, but I thought landing on Laythe wouldn't be that much harder than building a small plane (or space plane if you want to return), then taking it to Laythe and landing it? After all air breathing engines work on Laythe so finding a landing spot just requires to fly for a while I guess Same here. Tried to build a Mun base, but a rough landing made it most of it explode. (surprisingly, all Kerbals survived). Currently on my 2nd attempt (this time on MInmus)
  4. Alternatively if you need more thrust I guess just use a quad-coupler+ 0.625m to 1.25m adapter? Or even without the adapter if you don't care about aesthetics and (probably) extra drag
  5. I've been having some terrible luck reciently. First my Mun base has a rough landing, bouncing hard and the fuel tanks were destroyed (thankfully no casualties, it was almost a miracle). Then the rescue mission crashes as it doesn't have enough fuel. After that a "collect ore from Minmus and bring it back to Kerbin" mission fails as the main parachute was attached to the fairing for some reason.
  6. Am I the only one who just goes to the tracking station and deletes unwanted debris?
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