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Everything posted by Bromoc

  1. I can see with you are going with this. But IRL the container has to be highly specialized. If any atom interacts with non anti matter then.... BOOM! A tank that could have other resources would be hard to manage.
  2. Also, I do like the facing mechanic. But unless the system allows you to face a body and keep that facing through orbits. there is too much uncertainty. For example, I Face away from Kerbol, and my transmitter is facing away from kerbal. The Dot product makes that vector away from kerbal not very efficient. If I were a JPL engineer, I would always make sure my power input would face the source in the most efficient way,
  3. Any way to make the Large MW transceiver to start with lower drag when it collapsed? with FARS there is no Way I can launch it is behaving like its deployed.
  4. the old mechjeb had lua support.. things seems different now. Trying not to downgrade my environment from C# 5.0 to 3.0 or what ever unity is now at.
  5. Nothing wrong with his equation. Mechjeb doesn't give me the results. I'm trying to come up with a metric that allows me (if not others) at a glance to see there ship can achieve a certain orbit at a certain distance, at a certain planet. And you fail to answer my question. how do I add a column to the delta-V window?
  6. Is there a way to add columns to the Delta-V stats? I'm working on a formula to determine how a stage contributes to an ascent. Manually inputting the data in excel is starting to get annoying. And once I am done, would like to contribute the forumla to the mechjeb team.
  7. Ahh, like minecraft\'s farlands, a glitch in the code due to floating point errors. Great name.
  8. no help at all. I didn\'t see anything odd.. whats the kraken. in words please.
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