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Everything posted by Ieyasu

  1. Hello here, I'm new on this forum, and in some way, also new in KSP ("only" 450 hours of played in my steam account) I love the stock game but I want to improve the realism of my career mode, so I have installed TAC, and it make the game a little bit harder, that is nice. Actually, I would like to make a great mod stack for a new career mode, I would like to use Galileo, TAC, and the full package "umbra Space Industrie". I have installed this one yesterday, but it was really confusing for me, it seems really that this mod broke the game and make it really easy, doesn't it? Is this mod balanced? It add so much stuff that make the game easier that I hesitate to use it (news engines, structs, etc...). May someone give me his opinion about this mod stack? Thank you, Ieyasu
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