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Everything posted by Futteren

  1. I just purchased KSP through Steam and finally started the game. Went to do the tutorials / training to get a feel for the game and didnt make it all that far in before the game "broke". KSP v (WindowsPlayer x64) on Steam. I was running through the very first training mission and I have entered the vehicle assembly building. I followed the guide adding the command module and then adding the parachute on top of it. Next step in the guide is checking and adjusting the settings on the parachute. According to the guide, I'm supposed to adjust the pressure setting to 0.2 however it's already set at 0.4 and can not be adjusted to 0.2 as the guide requires of me. As a result, the guide's "next" button simply refuses to light up effectively blocking/breaking the training session. I'd like to request a solution to this problem so I can continue the training sessions / tutorials.
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