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Everything posted by Durzan

  1. Yep. Its totally a polar orbit.Thats how I got into this predicament in the first place. The issue is that I have no clue how to fine tune to match the objective orbit as closely as possible, even with mechjeb. I kinda am a bit dense in the head when it comes to these things. And I got plenty of fuel. I've got two stages on the satellite you see in the picture. ~2400 dV on stage 1 and about ~2360 dV on the Final Stage. Unless I do something really stupid, I should have plenty to match the orbit, and possibly a bit left over in case I decide to do anything else with this satellite (not likely) Also, I got the picture uploaded. Thanks in advance!
  2. How the heck do I get my satellite to come close to matching this stupid orbit? Heres a pic. I've managed to get get the orbit to approximately 1 or two degrees, but everything I do to try to adjust and match the green orbit only seems to make things worse. Edit: Here's a bit more info: Its totally a polar orbit.Thats how I got into this predicament in the first place. The issue is that I have no clue how to fine tune to match the objective orbit as closely as possible, even with mechjeb. I kinda am a bit dense in the head when it comes to these things. When It comes to fuel, I think I got plenty. I've got two stages on the satellite you see in the picture. ~2400 m/s of dV on stage 1 and about ~2360 m/s of dV on the Final Stage. Unless I do something really stupid, I should have plenty to match the orbit, and possibly a bit left over in case I decide to do anything else with this satellite (not likely) Also, I got the picture uploaded. Thanks in advance!
  3. Okay, so I can't make maneuvers at all in the To the Mun -- Part 1 tutorial. I am supposed to click anywhere on my orbit and create a maneuver (Which I have done before back at the beginning of January), but no matter where I click, nothing happens. At best all I am able to do is stick the numbers on the highest and lowest points of the orbit. Running version 1.2.2 on a mac. Havent had issues with problems like this until a couple days ago. From what I read, this type of thing has been a common bug that has popped up fairly frequency over the last few years.
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