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Drako Starr

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  1. running into a couple issues, firstly when installing and then running, i get a message that says procedural parts is not compatible, i'm running ksp 1.2.2, and i have the 1.2.8 version of PP. Second which may not be related to PP but hoping to find a captain, is, well, let me preface this with i know how to eva. That said, i'm on a rescue mission, planes are matched, velocities are matched, have save in place, i switch to target vessel, send stranded kerbal to eva, and lose control of everything other then looking around, he's still held on to the vessel, and i can see the messages to B: board and Spacebar: let go. Neither button works, i can't climb in any direction, i can't quicksave or reload, but it's not frozen as the universe is still turning and i can look around. So um... help?
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