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  1. you see my image this. I think revealed proof SSTV Signal Pyramid in the Duna this... Really top secret it's a SSTV Signal Pyramid. SSTV Signal Pyramid explain things (topleft-topright) : LOGO = KSP logo have rockets emit light fire. IKE = you can see it's Ike moon in the Duna. 4 KERMAN ASTRONAUTS = left-right, Jebediah Kerman, Bill Kerman, Bob Kerman and Valentina Kerman. not sure it was not an alien but kerman is an alien? SECRET SATELLITE = unknown, I don't know what it's a weird object (right-top). MOHO, EVE AND KERBIN = there's 3 planets but you can see 3 planets. SSTV'S PYRAMID = it's a hill shaped-like pyramid there's noise sound. so, you really sick your ears with headphones. DUNA! = you know this Duna is red planet in the Kerbol System. *oops, I forgot wrong it's numbers. just fixed : 'start 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 finish' Notice : Sorry, I seriously meticulous reveal what it.
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