I wanted to take a moment and showcase a small example of the sheer versatility of the beautiful mod you have created @Nils277. Your rovers not only provide an eloquent and, dare I say, perfect solution to any and all of my rover needs. In addition, they provide an outstanding bed of development for machines of war. In the pictures below, the AH-128 Viper, it allows me the opportunity for a sleek, compact, and versatile hover craft that can be packed to the brim with weaponry. I used to use the rover body for fighting vehicles as well, in which they allowed me to mount even more weapons.
I wanted to thank you for this amazing piece of ingenuity and allowing me hundreds of hours of procrastination from doing things I probably should be doing but instead I am tinkering with what you see below and so much more.
Even your Planetary Base Systems mod has become a vital part of my "war campaign" by providing crucial forward operating bases for logistics and support... and I may or may not have put weapons and radar systems on them as well. o.o
If there is ever anything I can help with in the testing process for new content for any of your amazing mods or what have you, please all you need is but to ask.