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  1. Here's the KSP.log dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2h426w1n2yohymr/KSP.log?dl=0 (If I should do something else please tell me) I took a look at the thread you gave me, but I'm unsure of which files to download and what to do with them. Any help in that regard would be greatly appreciated
  2. I've redownloaded and gone through the installation several times but whenever I enter the game I can't find the weapons anywhere. For the installation I copied the BDArmory folder which was inside the downloaded Gamedata folder, and pasted it into my KSP installation Gamedata. I've read the installation instructions several times and I am 99% sure that I am doing it correctly. I've looked at other threads but they all seem to be due to an incorrect installation. Is that what could be happening here, or did I break something else? Also if I've left any critical information out please let me know, I'm new to these forums. I also have installed: B9 Aerospace (and others that come with it) Tweakscale JSI Smokescreen Firespitter I'm running on the 64x version
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