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  1. It's possible(likely) that I misunderstood the conversion rates. I want to have the capacity to fill the R1 monoprop tank and the S3 7200. I don't mind doing more than one trip, but I'd like to do it in less than 3. EDIT: I found a conversion calculator. I had the numbers ALL wrong!
  2. I'm finding the stock resource UI a little clunky to get going each time I have to start KSP, are there any mods that improve this without having dependencies or changing the resource structure?
  3. I've done a proof of concept launch and am ready to build a refueling infrastructure in Minmus SOI. I'm going with ground drills (which I have working) launching to an orbital refinery. (It's a 600 ore probe ship with 4 drills) Fortunately I have high ore deposits not far from the equator. Questions about refinery design: 1) Is 1 Convert-a-tron enough refining capacity for 600 ore trips with minimal downtime on the driller? 2) I presently have the ship configured with a S3-7200 below for rocket fuel and an FL R1 Monoprop above. Will 2 medium thermal control panels work for continuous refining runs if I put them on the S3 tank? 3) Will 2 Gigantors provide enough power? 4) How many 1k batteries do I need for uninterrupted shadow operation? Thanks!
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