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  1. I have a game breaking issue. Whenever I time warp on the surface if the moon, my craft teleports a few kilometers into the air. I get a similar bug when switching between vessels on the surface. Is there a fix for this? I have a clean RP-1 install via Ckan and have fully updated the mods. Really would like to get this fixed before I commit more time to this career. Thanks.
  2. I'm trying to get my Atlas/Agena rocket working. I'm having an issue with the XLR-81 Agena engine itself. the description says that it can gimbal 5 degrees, but in flight it wont gimbal at all. I only have the initial variant unlocked, but there is nothing to indicate that I need to unlock gimbaling. yes, the stage can easily be controlled with 5 degree gimballing. I will have to reload to a save prior to 5 X-15 flights if I can't get this impact probe to the moon. RP-1 Express Install
  3. RCS was working, I know how it works. Halfway to the moon my RCS stopped working. I have plenty of RCS fuel, EC, as well as full avionics control and signal. I've tried quick-save/reload as well as relaunch the game. FYI this is Realistic progression mod, no other mods installed. Fresh KSP install. Update: After reactivating RCS through staging it will now thrust forward with translation key. Will NOT provide orientation or forward thrust by throttle. Also, RCS helper doesn't seem to recognize the thrusters on my craft.
  4. Once in a while, when performing an air-launch, the craft's engine seems to produce little to no thrust. Relaunching the game seems to solve the problem. This is the cleanest install of RP-1 possible and installed by the available guide to the letter. Yes the engine is functioning correctly (SLR-11). I can provide mod list and logs if this isn't a known problem with an EZ fix.
  5. I have 2x GTX 1080's and a 7700k @4.4 Ghz. I still have these stutters. it goes from 30-40 FPS to 1 every 10-15 seconds when using larger aircraft. If you quick save + reload it helps. relaunching the game makes them temporarily stop. It doesn't matter what settings you use and it is NOT a hardware thing. I think the Unity game engine is struggling to refresh after V-sync causing certain frames to take longer than others. My dual core XP machine runs this game the same as my friends rendering server as well as my gaming rig. HE has 6 quadros and 2 xeons and it still stutters after a couple hours of gaming (400-500 FPS then drops to 6 for 10-15ms). Windows, linux, unix, doesn't matter. the engine is broken and can only be resolved by patching or upgrading the engine. The only thing i haven't tried is Windows 7 or an apple based OS. Playing with your driver setting may help. engaging triple or dual buffering seems to make it worse. SLI cuts the stutter time in half but increases the frequency. There has been talk on steam of a new patch recently. will wee what happens otherwise its a permanent thing.
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