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Jonno Kurt

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Everything posted by Jonno Kurt

  1. Using the Nvidia control panel I have to enable DSR (Dynamic super resolution) under "Manage 3D settings" then tick the 4.0x native resolution box and apply. You should then be able to change your native desktop res to 4k and changing it within kerbal should work.
  2. Is your native resolution set to 4k also? I can only run KSP on 3840x2160 if this is the case.
  3. Just wondering if anyone else experiences high GPU load on KSP's loading screen. It's so much that my frames raise between 1000-3000 and causes my cards coils to whine. Within the game I've Vsync enabled but it doesn't seem to apply to this screen. Should I be concerned? Basic rundown of my Pc specs are - i7-5870K Cpu fatal1ty x99x killer Mobo 16GB ddr4 ram GTX 970 Gpu
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