Hey guys,
Trying to install CKAN but terminal does not seem to want to. Been following all 3 requirements, trying multiple times, restart, try again, but this is what I get :
Last login: Fri Mar 10 00:28:02 on ttys001
ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$ CKAN=$(mdfind ckan.exe)
ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$ mono $CKAN
-bash: mono: command not found
ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$ ckan gui
-bash: ckan: command not found
ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$
I have the latest macOS Sierra (just installed actually), I did download the latest ckan.exe, and even though it's not required anymore I have it in my downloads folder, I also tried with the previous build where it was necessary to have it in the folder.
Can anyone help me out pls?