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  1. Thanks for the reply, I did not have mono. Lol I think I didn't get the part where the OP said "2. latest/compatible mono install (obviously)" I thought he was talking about the ckan app launcher itself and "mono" was a term referring to it. Learning something new everyday. Downloaded mono, installed it, launched ckan, and I get this Last login: Fri Mar 10 12:49:25 on ttys001 ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$ CKAN=$(mdfind ckan.exe) ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$ mono $CKAN CKAN Client MIT License - CKAN Team gui Start the CKAN GUI search Search for mods upgrade Upgrade an installed mod update Update list of available mods available List available mods install Install a KSP mod remove Remove an installed mod scan Scan for manually installed KSP mods list List installed modules show Show information about a mod clean Clean away downloaded files from the cache repair Attempt various automatic repairs repo Manage CKAN repositories ksp Manage KSP installs compat Manage KSP version compatibility compare Compare version strings version Show the version of the CKAN client being used. You are using CKAN version v1.22.1-0-g174271a (beta) ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$ ckan gui -bash: ckan: command not found ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$ It does not want to launch the GUI and no other command works either. I don't know much about coding, and terminal so I'm at a loss.
  2. Hey guys, Trying to install CKAN but terminal does not seem to want to. Been following all 3 requirements, trying multiple times, restart, try again, but this is what I get : Last login: Fri Mar 10 00:28:02 on ttys001 ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$ CKAN=$(mdfind ckan.exe) ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$ mono $CKAN -bash: mono: command not found ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$ ckan gui -bash: ckan: command not found ULMs-Mac-Pro:~ media$ I have the latest macOS Sierra (just installed actually), I did download the latest ckan.exe, and even though it's not required anymore I have it in my downloads folder, I also tried with the previous build where it was necessary to have it in the folder. Can anyone help me out pls?
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