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    Cars and bits :D

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  1. So funny story, I was just walking to my mates house, nothing unusual, nothing different till BOOM bloody drunk man starts to have a conversation with me as I am walking down the road, now drunk didn't quite cut it for this guy, this is clearly the person who arrives by taxi to a party and leaves via a ambulance. So this dude just started to tell me about his car and I just don't care, but I'm not going to be horrible and say that, so I say "Mate, I don't know who you are and why I need to know about your Volvo, just take it easy and head off home" now the guy waves and leaves. 6 hours later I see him again and I just said the same again, but he'd gotten lost and didn't know where was home so I had to call the police and explain, half a hour later I am late and tired but at least the guy was safe :P

    1. Urses


      Every good action is worth a like in internet days.

      Next time call the police at first sight they a trained to handle this situations and may help almost every time.  And have more capabilities to help if he has a alcohol induced intoxiacation.

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