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Daniel Ramirez

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    Aerospace engineering

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  1. Breaking News: Our second moon, Minmüs, its made of mint ? Will Jeb take the trip to there ? The Ionic Hopper succesfully landed on Minmüs, our cyan second moon, the probe came back with information about the existence of a very thin layer of atmosphere above the flats, and seismic cracks below the frozen surface, it also found that Minmüs don't seems to be made of mint as we had hoped. Jeb and his teammates are disappointed by the taste that can have the floor, but Gene Kerman tells them that in fact we haven't tasted it yet , the only thing that motivates Jeb to take the trip is to be able to jump in very low gravity, do barrel rolls, fly like a superhero, eat meat and not use the useless science that is aboard on the hitchhiker storage container. Ksc don't worry about the crew to become balls of meat and fall asleep, cause the ultimate invention of the sas will take control of all, they hope. Walt Kerman will reply the communicate of the crew report that will finally show if minmüs isn`t made of mint and doesn't taste as mint, if we found sweety the minmüs surface, we'll tell them to come back with at least 100 pounds of surface rocks, this will grant money for the Kerbal Space Program through the selling of the rocks as exotic extrakerbin mint, with added omega 3 and b complex, to pay the VAB team to make stronger, more controlable fireworks, ehm... rockets, with many more struts on 'em. Ksc is planning to expand the boundaries of the kerbalkind until Minmüs for now, no poop flavored floor will dissapoint 'em.
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