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Everything posted by FlyingSquirrel

  1. Jim123: You may find that you're more likely to get help if you provide information on your install and be as detailed as possible. Check this link on how to get support for Modded installs. Good luck and "fly safe!"
  2. Hey there: I think I found a minor issue in version v11.5.1 of Realism Overhaul. I had a heck of a time trying to figure out why my Gemini Pod didn't seem to have the right CO2 Scrubber data. Anyhoo, after many hours of looking around (I'm not a programmer you understand) I was able to locate what I think might be an issue. In "..\GameData\RealismOverhaul\RO_SuggestedMods\FASA" there seems to be a couple issues with the object: INPUT_RESOURCE within RO_FASA_Mercury_Pod.cfg and RO_FASA_ApolloCSM.cfg, etc. Some of the objects "INPUT_RESOURCE" have a '%' and others do not (Check RO_FASA_Mercury_Pod.cfg to see that this one doesn't have '%'). I believe that the '%' must be removed for mod manager to import this into its cache (I have tested this and it seemed to work in my install). Here is the example of the end product in the ModuleManager.ConfigCache with the unedited install of Realism Overhaul, it took me forever to figure out where Mod Manager was pulling this data from. As you can see below for comparison, there was an issue and the Apollo, Gemini and other pods (except for MercuryPod) all had very wonky outputs that didn't make any sense and also make the CO2 scrubber do nothing. name = FASAGeminiPod2 (not the way it should look when KSP imports into its system) MODULE { name = TacGenericConverter converterName = CO2 Scrubber StartActionName = Start AirFilter StopActionName = Stop AirFilter conversionRate = 2.0 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LithiumHydroxide Ratio = 0.00001189 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Waste Ratio = 0.00003932 DumpExcess = false } } name = FASAMercuryPod (AKA this is the way it should look when KSP imports the data into its system) MODULE { name = TacGenericConverter converterName = CO2 Scrubber StartActionName = Start AirFilter StopActionName = Stop AirFilter conversionRate = 1.0 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 0.1 } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = CarbonDioxide Ratio = 0.0058912100 } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LithiumHydroxide Ratio = 0.0000085683 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Waste Ratio = 0.0000320045 DumpExcess = false } } A little about my install: KSP Windows x64: v1.2.2.1622 FASA: v7.2 TAC Life Support: v ModuleManager: v 2.7.6 A billion other installs, most to support Realism Overhaul/RSS & make the game as realistic as possible Last but not least.. LOGS! ModuleManager.ConfigCache OutputLog.txt Thanks to all the Developers for maintaining this and other mods that with with this one. Cheers! *gives you all a gold star*
  3. This issue was resolved by looking for answers to other minor issues I have had. This had to do with Realism Overhaul's FASA files not being properly configured for updating of Mod Manager. I have posted my comments on the appropriate thread, Realism Overhaul. Short answer: The "..\RealismOverhaul-v11.5.1.zip\GameData\RealismOverhaul\RO_SuggestedMods\FASA" folder has a couple of files that inside contain "%INPUT_RESOURCE" instead of just "INPUT_RESOURCE" (without percent symbol), removal of '%' for INPUT_RESOURCE resolved my issue. ------------------------- Hey Folks, I've finally given up looking and am throwing up my Bat Signal in the hope that I will find the hero I need, not the one that I deserve. Jokes aside, I need a wee bit of help. This game is working fine and dandy except for one little thing. The TacGenericConverter that is added to all parts that "HAS[#CrewCapacity[>0]" seems to have some sort of discrepancy; I would be happy to manually make the change to my own game except I have no idea where the Mod Manager is getting the data. And yes, I've checked all *.cfg files inside of ThunderAerospace and some inside FASA folder in the hope there would be something called "TacGenericConverter", there isn't. I'm quite a noobie with programming, so I'm sure my lack of logic is failing me here. These excerpts for comparisons are taken from the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file inside \$KSPinstalledlocation\GameData. You'll notice that the GeminiPod2 seems to be missing INPUT_RESOURCE for Carbon Dioxide and also missing INPUT_RESOURCE of ElectricCharge. I didn't notice this right off but a couple of days ago when I finally researched Gemini pod in my career I noticed this was very different from the FASAMercuryPod which I had been using earlier. Here's what I need. Where is Mod Manager pulling this data? If I can get to that default *.cfg file I can make the change myself and all will be right in this KSP world; however, I don't know where TacGenericConverter config data is located. See below for comparison. name = FASAGeminiPod2 MODULE { name = TacGenericConverter converterName = CO2 Scrubber StartActionName = Start AirFilter StopActionName = Stop AirFilter conversionRate = 2.0 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LithiumHydroxide Ratio = 0.00001189 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Waste Ratio = 0.00003932 DumpExcess = false } } name = FASAMercuryPod MODULE { name = TacGenericConverter converterName = CO2 Scrubber StartActionName = Start AirFilter StopActionName = Stop AirFilter conversionRate = 1.0 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 0.1 } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = CarbonDioxide Ratio = 0.0058912100 } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LithiumHydroxide Ratio = 0.0000085683 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Waste Ratio = 0.0000320045 DumpExcess = false } } A little about my install: KSP Windows x64: v1.2.2.1622 FASA: v7.2 TAC Life Support: v ModuleManager: v 2.7.6 A billion other installs, most to support Realism Overhaul/RSS & make the game as realistic as possible Last but not least.. LOGS! ModuleManager.ConfigCache OutputLog.txt
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