This issue was resolved by looking for answers to other minor issues I have had. This had to do with Realism Overhaul's FASA files not being properly configured for updating of Mod Manager. I have posted my comments on the appropriate thread, Realism Overhaul.
Short answer: The "..\\GameData\RealismOverhaul\RO_SuggestedMods\FASA" folder has a couple of files that inside contain "%INPUT_RESOURCE" instead of just "INPUT_RESOURCE" (without percent symbol), removal of '%' for INPUT_RESOURCE resolved my issue.
Hey Folks,
I've finally given up looking and am throwing up my Bat Signal in the hope that I will find the hero I need, not the one that I deserve. Jokes aside, I need a wee bit of help.
This game is working fine and dandy except for one little thing. The TacGenericConverter that is added to all parts that "HAS[#CrewCapacity[>0]" seems to have some sort of discrepancy; I would be happy to manually make the change to my own game except I have no idea where the Mod Manager is getting the data. And yes, I've checked all *.cfg files inside of ThunderAerospace and some inside FASA folder in the hope there would be something called "TacGenericConverter", there isn't. I'm quite a noobie with programming, so I'm sure my lack of logic is failing me here.
These excerpts for comparisons are taken from the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file inside \$KSPinstalledlocation\GameData. You'll notice that the GeminiPod2 seems to be missing INPUT_RESOURCE for Carbon Dioxide and also missing INPUT_RESOURCE of ElectricCharge. I didn't notice this right off but a couple of days ago when I finally researched Gemini pod in my career I noticed this was very different from the FASAMercuryPod which I had been using earlier.
Here's what I need. Where is Mod Manager pulling this data? If I can get to that default *.cfg file I can make the change myself and all will be right in this KSP world; however, I don't know where TacGenericConverter config data is located.
See below for comparison.
name = FASAGeminiPod2
name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = CO2 Scrubber
StartActionName = Start AirFilter
StopActionName = Stop AirFilter
conversionRate = 2.0
ResourceName = LithiumHydroxide
Ratio = 0.00001189
ResourceName = Waste
Ratio = 0.00003932
DumpExcess = false
name = FASAMercuryPod
name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = CO2 Scrubber
StartActionName = Start AirFilter
StopActionName = Stop AirFilter
conversionRate = 1.0
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 0.1
ResourceName = CarbonDioxide
Ratio = 0.0058912100
ResourceName = LithiumHydroxide
Ratio = 0.0000085683
ResourceName = Waste
Ratio = 0.0000320045
DumpExcess = false
A little about my install:
KSP Windows x64: v1.2.2.1622
FASA: v7.2
TAC Life Support: v
ModuleManager: v 2.7.6
A billion other installs, most to support Realism Overhaul/RSS & make the game as realistic as possible
Last but not least.. LOGS!