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Hussam maan

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Posts posted by Hussam maan

  1. On 3/18/2017 at 11:33 AM, Hotaru said:

    Docking ports of different sizes don't work together. You can connect them in the VAB and they will be able to decouple, but you won't be able to reconnect them in flight once separated unless they were the same size.

    In fact you can connect any part to a docking port in the VAB like this and have it decouple in flight, which can be useful (for instance) for putting a launch escape system on top of a capsule. The LES can be jettisoned by decoupling the docking port using an action group, removing the need for an additional decoupler.

    Thank you so much. now a can plant a flag at the mun and kill my kerbals, erm.. land them safely back to kerbin!

  2. My version of KSP is 1.1.0

    I Built and SSTO to mun, inside the SSTO there is a Mun lander that has  the MK1-2 command pod along with it's own lander can, the docking port of the lander is the normal sized docking port, and the SSTO's docking port is the huge Sr docking port, (Remember the two crafts where built docked together) when i undocked the two crafts and did my mission, the docking ports refuse to dock back again.

    and yes i did try to rotate the lander several times, i also did smash into the port, AND also i did try to back away a few times.

    nothing worked so, anyone has an idea on how to solve this?

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