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  1. Yes. It's transferring to the command pod correctly. But is not running all available experiments to max out that type of experiment for that biome. Additional info to maybe help me: I have multiple Mystery Good and Science Jrs on my science ship. I'm using the containers to store experiments so I only make 1 trip to each biome (Each container will hold 1 of each type of experiment in each biome. Need 4-6 of various experiments to max out science from that biome.) So maybe I do have settings somewhere incorrect. I've been messing with different scenarios with this mod for 3 hrs now and haven't gotten it to work how I envision it would have yet. That may just mean I have more to learn from ya'll on how to use it
  2. I'm also having a Reset Experiment issue. I have a scientist on board in a command pod. ASS runs the available experiments but does not reset the experiment module (Mystery Goo and Science Jr). Maybe just implement a manual button so that when you EVA your scientist, you can click a "Gather Data" button in ASS. All science within range of the scientist will be gathered and stored in your scientist. And also do the same to reset experiments. A manual button to click on ASS so that all experiments within range of your scientist are reset. Thanks! Great work so far!
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