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Everything posted by Chel

  1. It isn't gone, @Agarwel. It's just been delayed so that they can fix some bugs
  2. And pressuring the devs isn't really a good idea... They are. By delaying the update to fix things and then releasing it, to prevent the outcry of people who complain about the bugs. But unfortunately that produces a new outcry of people complaining about the delay
  4. Same. For a developer, this can be really hard. People don't realise the struggle, they only care about the results. And if the results are even a slight bit off, they're up in arms about it
  5. Yes, I second this. Unfortunately people are just seeing this whole thing as a big screw up (they're just delaying it to fix some bugs, but they would still complain about those bugs if they released it on the 21st as planned). You can never satisfy a community with your content, and while I do acknowledge that the year long wait was incredibly unfortunate, porting a game to console and developing it with a small team is actually kinda difficult
  6. Happy Friday everyone, unfortunately I won't be binging EE (as the update has been delayed) but instead I'll just binge Unturned instead

    1. 4x4cheesecake


      Happy friday! :)

      On the bright site: Sekiro got released :) That's what I'm going to binge^^
      Btw.: No waffles todays....I will make some muffins instead :D

  7. Just submitted all my assessment for this term, I felt like a huge weight was released. Now I need to get $40 in donations for a 10km run on April 5th... great... 

  8. I managed to get off of Eve, packing SRBs as your 2nd stage on your world ship explorer vessel is quite useful
  9. ? It's better for a delay to fix things than releasing something bugged, so I'm fine
  10. No we don't. They said So just wait I guess
  11. 77 (+) Your posts are invalid @Fraston @XB-70A. Kerballing did 78 (+) and XB did 76 - and Fraston did 75 -. Should be 77 - and 76 -
  12. 77 (+) Intensify forward shields, I don't want any dog to revert
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