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Everything posted by jake867

  1. Isnt that technically false advertisement theve known it is broken but they’re still selling it to people on the ps store i mean i just bought mine like 2 months ago and had i known it was broken i wouldnt have wasted my time/money
  2. So are refunds possible for the game? Im past done with it, biggest mistake of my life buying a console
  3. Yea i guess thats alot worse than no release date
  4. But they always just say the same thing "Were working on it" or "progress has been made" we get a list of whats broken with the game but never a list of whats fixed or whats left to be fixed i just feel like if they nail down a SOLID TRUTHFULL release date everyone would chill out and just wait. And ksp weekly while it does have some usefull info for consoles, its few and far between. Im to the point that this game becoming complete for consoles seems like a distant dream come on squad give your FANS some hope, cuz thats all these angry posts are is a bunch of let down die-Hard Fans.
  5. Seriously ^^ can we please get an ETA or at least an ETA of an ETA or some sort of progress report
  6. hey so did they ever update this? Just bought the game its going to kind of ruin it its going to kinda be like playing old mortal kombat with all the combos
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