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Posts posted by vdr1981

  1. On 5/7/2017 at 0:54 AM, Tidus Klein said:

    With 1.3 around the corner I don't blame him for waiting, no point in releasing something before a big update that might just break it again. Then have more outcrys for a quick update.:P I just got sick of waiting so I DL'ed the dev version

    no problems I can report, just took a little while to get used to far again...having to make wings bigger and such :P

    Can you please share the link? I really don't mind potential issues and I will probably stick around with v1.2 for quite a long time...


  2. I could really use suggestion about a mod for better parts organisation. For example, I'm quite annoyed by TAC Life support parts displayed both in "Utility" and it's own "Life support" category ect. 

    Designing new ships is getting more and more tedious with increased parts number. I'm pretty much sure you guys know what I'm talking about...

    Any suggestions? 



    Edit: I've found one of the possible solutions but I'm still opened for more suggestions...


  3. On 3/28/2017 at 9:25 PM, jrodriguez said:


    Known issues

    Vessels landed on normal terrain can be destroyed when the terrain starting to get unloaded - this happens usually at 20 km distance. A workaround is to place your vessel on a static objects like runways, KSC, Kerbal Konstruct statics, etc.

    Just for confirmation, does this mean that I can say goodbye to my "Useless" class planetary lander probes ? 

    I guess also that somewhat FPS impact is to be expected on low spec systems? 


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