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Disparia Books

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Everything posted by Disparia Books

  1. Hmmmm...... I've personally finished them and know others have (watched Million's stream). I will take another look and see if I can run through it and finish it. My only guess is that if you do or do not trigger a certain node in a certain way it could throw off the entire thing...but then again, why would the rest lead you to the end node? I don't understand programming logic well enough to troubleshoot everything perfectly, lol, but I will look again. One thing to keep in mind with chapter 2 is that you need to land as close to where you took off as possible, as the back half of the runway is 'closed' for construction. So land before (from the usual takeoff perspective) you reach any of the buildings and you should be good (the score system should work there too!) Glad you liked three. I'm curious how much trouble you had with the end, if any. That took some work to make just right! Edit:
  2. Chapter 3 is available here: Chapter 3 Download As I just mentioned in my first post and thanks to the help and tips of people like @million_lights, chapters that have been played and fixed after input will be marked with DX and are considered finished. I don't want to get in the habit of going back and re-uploading on a regular basis and having to do X.1, X.2, X.3 editions and so on. There will be an initial release and the finished/fixed DX version later. That being said, yes, I'm hoping they all release clean, but you know...things happen. Enjoy!
  3. Quick update: Chapter 3 will be done this week. Thanks to Easter and spring break I was busy throughout the weekend (not to mention I'm having trouble getting a certain part of the mission just right). It's taking a little longer than usual, but it will be done soon. Thanks to everyone who has helped with feedback or enjoyed the first two!
  4. Ah! VERY glad to hear it, I appreciate the kind words. For mission 2 you need to land on the lower half of the runway (before the barriers) for it to trigger the end screen. @million_lights streamed it last Friday or Saturday and you can watch his twitch replay to see. Bit just try to park near Explodey (assuming you haven't moved him). Chapter 3 will be out tomorrow or Saturday depending on how long it takes to fix a dock/undock issue.Cheers!
  5. Hey all, Just a quick update on chapter 3. I'm working away on it and it's coming nicely. However, there is one little issue with the editor that won't let me create it as planned. For now I'm going to hold off on releasing it until the update comes out and fixes the issue. If that takes too long (more than a couple of weeks) I'm just going with plan B. But hopefully it's fixed sooner than later. Worst case scenario I will move onto 4 before releasing 3, that way it won't actually delay any future releases. It's not a huge issue, but I'd rather wait and go with my idea than have to compromise. Cheers! Edit: Err, ask and you shall receive...looks like the update just went live. All systems nominal!
  6. @million_lights I think I got it working. I just did a test and everything worked (including the ending awards). So I'm going to say...here is the finished chapter 2! Chapter 2 Download Important: You CAN quicksave and reload after failing a mission; click the 'close' button on the fail screen and it will take you back to the game where you can F9 to your previous quicksave. Not sure if everyone knew that or not, and it dramatically changes the nature of missions (no absolute perfection required). If you (or anyone) can, please stream it and let me know. Nothing like watching Kerbal things live! Happy Kerbaling!
  7. @million_lights I will take one more look at it tonight and send it your way tomorrow. Thanks for doing that...it's so frustrating to spend so much time and have one little problem Also, @Squelch7 I am updating the link to have Chapter 1 with a finish node. I honestly thought it was marked, and the one I'm linking to now has it marked, so if it doesn't for some reason that's on the game, not me, lol (that being said, if that IS the case, if anyone knows why it doesn't end feel free to let me know). I should mention-I think when I tried updating the Mission 1 link I didn't actually save posting the new URL for the zip...so it SHOULD work properly now The second one will be ready this weekend! Chapter 1 with finish
  8. I'm basically done with the second mission, but like the first, I'm having issues with a specific node. Is there anyone here that feels they could take a look at the mission and see why one of the 'fly through' objective nodes does not activate? It's the second to last one, right before finishing, and no matter what I do I can't get it to activate (including rearranging it, deleting what was before it, and altering how it is achieved). Let me know and I will send you the zip. Thanks!
  9. Well sir, you win the Internet today, that's the best Yeah, as far as I'm aware there is no way to lock craft to certain Kerbals or to lock Kerbals from being controlled or switched to at all. I try my best by making them stranded tourists that can't be rescued, but even then you can still switch. I wish there was a way to lock that, like a, you know...lock button on the 'spawn kerbal' *hint hint @SQUAD* Anyway, I'm just finishing up bug-testing the second mission and should have it done by Friday/Saturday at the latest!
  10. Didn't know that, interesting, I appreciate you telling me! Glad you enjoyed it, lol. It's a bit rough for a first go but I'm glad to share something you like. The second one is coming along nicely and will expand on the ideas a lot. Hopefully I will be done by Saturday again (weekly or bi-monthly releases sound doable for now). I actually added two on purpose...because Kerbal rage frustration, kerbal smash! ...In reality I added two because I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't let be board, so for the final release I doubled it in case people needed two options, figuring overkill is better than frustration. I don't know why it won't let you board properly. I tried a completely different craft and it too has a hard time letting me board that specific cockpit. Not sure if bug or incompetence. Anyway, thanks for sharing and I'm glad you liked it. I'm definitely working on expanding the story every day!
  11. I don't know why it does that, it's no different than any other plane I've made Just keep climbing. Eventually you will stand on the cockpit. If you do that and move around you're sure to find the B to board indicator. Annoying as crud, but no idea how to fix it.
  12. Length is definitely an issue, though I would always err on the side of too short. You said it-having to redo something very long would be annoying. As far as I'm aware (haven't explored it fully yet), you can quicksave during a mission and reload if you mess something up (break a wing/engine/wheel) but don't outright die. If you have lax fail requirements then you can get away with something longer. But ultimately length is determined by the experience you want to provide. Personally, I'm keeping missions short for a couple of reasons. 1. So that they feel like actual missions within my story. Something too long wouldn't be realistic (heh), or would at least feel out of place for the fantasy I'm trying to create (basically it's like having a robot appear in a western-both are acceptable, but together they don't fit). So a more 'realistic' style of mission structure with something that takes years might not make sense...unless you can give a reason for it. And 2. Because it's too hard to keep track of and troubleshoot a MASSIVE mission in the editor. That's really an important one. Being able to manage all of the nodes and layout is critical, as issues can arise and take time to fix. if you have too large a mission it can be impossible to find everything. As for your mission, it sounds really cool. Please post it here or on your own thread (and let us know) when you have something. It's hard to say too long or too short now, as you can drag out a single mission that requires you to fly from point A to point B, and you can make an orbital rendezvous mission take less than 10 minutes. I'm not expert, but for timing I would say make it manageable to create and edit, make it fit within the lore and structure you are creating (continuity is key), and have a reason for either something long or short. Don't make any decisions without having a purpose behind them. If it's very short, have a reason for that length. Likewise for something long. Hope that helps. As soon as you have something I can try I will be more than happy to give it a go! Cheers!
  13. Working on the second mission now. Thanks to the tips and feedback it's going much better than the first. I expect everything to be streamlined, I'm adding more dynamic events, and working on a points system that will allow for a mild form of leaderboarding. Not sure when I will finish, but with any luck by next weekend.
  14. Hey mate, Thanks so much for doing that! That ladder thing I was aware of but thought it was a game glitch. I'm going to delete it and replace it and see if I can't fix it. As for the EVA...yeah, I know. I spent HOURS working on getting that functioning but no matter what I did the EVA/proximity/Go here would not work. I'm convinced (not really, but guessing) that it was something to do with reading too many kerbals and not properly thinking Jeb should do it...I don't know. I WANTED people to get out, but after deleting and recreating nodes for hours it never worked...so you get dialogue instead. I know it's a problem, but I'd rather move on to the meat of the stories than keep trying (hopefully you understand!). As for the pudding...is there a pudding mod anywhere? I just *tweaked* it to have a pudding-like...thing inside. If you use your imagination it looks like a bowl and some stuff that could be considered pudding-like As for the dialogue...that's very much a thing that will become familiar as missions progress. The ESL thing is something I will need to keep in mind, thanks for bringing that up. But Gene...Gene isn't making good first impressions, we'll say! Here is the new link (and reflected in original post) MISSION 1 UPDATE
  15. Great! I already use drive and don't really want to use dropbox since I don't have an account. Do you think it's good enough to justify switching or is this an okay way to go? As for chapter 1...I totally understand that it's not the most exciting thing in the world, but it establishes background and was a way for me to see how everything logically fits. So don't expect a 10k m/s reentry with sirens mission, but something that establishes the future story. The rest, however, are going to be really cool. For specific feedback let me know how the timing on text windows is, the location, and things like that. As mentioned before, I use locations as a way to explain what you're reading. Also, I keep the non mission text up for about 25 seconds each, that way you can read it when you can without rushing. Let me know if this is a good amount of time or if you think it needs to be adjusted. Also, there shouldn't be any grammar issues, but don't worry if there are. I'm going to be writing future missions in MS Word first, proof reading, the pasting the text. This will work as a way to storyboard and edit all at once. @SQUAD feel free to add a basic text editor system to the mission editor Thanks mate! Feel free to share your thoughts here-hopefully we can all learn from each other and develop some great missions.
  16. I just finished the first mission. I could have spent hours tweaking it, but at this point I want to move on to making the really exciting story bits and getting things going. I added a link in the first post and will put it here. Please leave feedback in general so I know how to proceed. Also, I did a Google Drive link...is there an easier way to share the files? Is that safe, fast, easy or do any of you have a preferred method? Thanks everyone, I'm off to start on chapter 2 Chapter 1 DXX
  17. NEARLY DONE! I wanted to share quickly a few things that I've learned and a few things to look for when I upload my mission. Hopefully this helps anyone else working on more elaborate missions too. Sorry in advance for the TLDR...but it should be helpful: 1. With 2 books under my belt and a decade of writing professionally, if I've learned anything it's that consistency, continuity, and attention to detail matter as much as anything else. I'm using the types of dialog options as a way of representing different types of communication. I have the Kerbal dialog (from Gene etc) in the center window, I have narrative and exposition as just raw text (no box) situated at the top center of the screen under the altimeter, and actual spoken dialog is in the center (not the Kerbal window). When I share this, please let me know how this all feels. I've played around with the length of time text stays on screen and need feedback on how to improve the overall flow. I figure longer is better since, playing on 1080p at least, there is plenty of room to see the world and keep text up, so it isn't blocking anything. But everyone uses different resolutions/monitors. From what I've seen, it works pretty well as a way of immediately telling you what type of information you are reading based purely on location. 2. Some concessions will need to be made, at least for now, in creating exposition and dialog. The builder isn't set up to handle it super well. Timing is your best friend (so is the 'pause mission' button for kerbal text). 3. You can force cinematics, but they are janky. Altering and locking camera controls help create a more cinematic experience (you'll see what I mean when I upload). But the cuts to and from different angles are really abrupt. Nothing we can do about that now. 4. From what I've seen you CANNOT A: spawn a kerbal/vehicle that you control on the ground and have another one falling from the sky from a set height, on a sub-orbital trajectory, or have one start stages unless you switch to it. Yes, I was considering how to have a craft randomly fall from the sky for...humorous purposes, but as of now I don't think it can be done. On that note you can't spawn a vessel on the pad (or anywhere) and have it launch unless you switch to it first (in other words, you can't use a row of SRB's as fireworks to cheer a kerbal for doing a mediocre great job). If anyone has ideas for a workaround please share here. 5. Persistence. As of now I don't know how to create a persistent file for crafts. The idea is that certain vessels and items will stay where they are between missions for continuity and story purposes. My current workaround is still in testing but involves ALWAYS loading the previous save file then renaming it and deleting unnecessary nodes before creating a new mission. By doing that it automatically stores and saves your pre-created vessels AND their locations. Don't like their locations because the player would have landed somewhere else? Just drag them where they 'should' be. This makes it easy to not need to rebuild things or reload vessels for continuing missions. That should be it for now. I will have the first mission done soon. The objectives themselves are not super crazy (no landing on Eve and taking off with an SSTO made of cheese and struts), because it was designed to introduce the characters, story, and future conflicts as well as test the logic. But it's still fun. I will be back soon with more updates. Feel free to add your thoughts to anything I mentioned above. Thanks all!
  18. Doing something like that would make life easy, but i have a potential workaround (wont know intil i try a few more though). A persistent file...That sounds like a job for... @The White Guardian
  19. Consider it done. As long as the editor cooperates I'm going to keep existing vehicles in their final spots between missions (though it might get complicated). I LOVE the "anywhere base" feature, so props to @SQUAD for that.
  20. Okay! Phew! I've spent the past 2 hours troubleshooting a mission node that wouldn't activate no matter what. I wanted to have players EVA to simulate picking up supplies for part of the mission but had to scrap it, as it completely stalled everything. I will need to figure that out later. I'm HOPING to have this mission done and uploaded tomorrow evening at the latest. It all works (including points), so I just need to tweak the text and titles of nodes. The mission summary itself introduces the backstory for the series and sets up Jeb's motivations, history, and future plot points. FYI: The series will be completely stock to make it as accessible as possible.
  21. Good ideas, thanks for that. I will start posting them here as I finish them. Hopefully the first one will be ready in a few days! As for how to do it, I will complete my mission and see if there is something rather obvious and go from there, but yeah, I'm open for tutorials. Thanks mate
  22. 1. How to upload at all. Not sure how to create and export the mission from the game itself. 2. Where the best places to upload on this forum and anywhere else might be. Thanks!
  23. Do you happen to know if a YouTube video tutorial or a page here that explains how and where to upload files? That's the one thing I haven't learned!
  24. Let me (us) know when you have something to share. I feel it valuable to share ideas as early as possible so the community can learn as much as possible as quickly as possible;)
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