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Everything posted by Derponaught

  1. Well when you put it like that....I have installed USI constellation pack but my space program is in its infancy & haven't attempted colonies temporary or otherwise! So perhaps I shouldn't be so quick to judge without the benefit of experience. There really wasn't a problem! I just like spaceplanes & the cockpits & fuselages/cargo bays looked awesome
  2. Did you have a look at sebi.zzr's link? by V8jester For those having install / KJR issues List of IR download files to work with KSP 1.2.2 courtesy of: @Agustin @V8jester Steps to install Infernal Robotics 1) install Core Download which is the plugin and "core Files" of IR (No parts are in this download) 2) Install Parts Pack (Legacy is the original parts, and Rework are the new white parts. You can have both installed if you wish) 3) Optional - If you wish to use the Surface sampler (Install the Surfacesampler.dll into GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins) 4) Optional - If you are using KJR you will need to use the supplied DEV Version Linked below. Core Download Infernal Robotics (Ziw) 2.0.10 https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/2.0.10/IR-2.0.10-Final-Core.zip Parts Legacy Parts (Ziw) https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/2.0.0/IR-LegacyParts.zip IR Rework Parts (Zodiusinfuser) https://mega.nz/#!rdlHkLAJ!ZizDvd8s7zCIG529FtO8b7wM0avJ8yC3pldIaf6BGFw IR Surface Sampler dll (Ziw) https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/IR-Surface-Sampler/tree/master/GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Rework_Utility/Plugins Utility Thread link for IR Sequencer (Ziw) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/104547-12-ir-sequencer-v101-add-on-to-infernal-robotics-updated-30102016/ Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Fixed for IR "Dev version - use at your own risk" Dev version of KJR (Ferram4) Download the "Master File" https://github.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement Please feel free to repost / update this list every so often to help a lot of the new comers
  3. Hi all, I love building spaceplanes, I've been watching youtube reviews of some really fantastic mods - OPT spaceplanes & MkIV spaceplane parts caught my eye but I don't want spoil myself (& my game experience) by making it too easy. Some of the flights I saw were quite badly flown but they still made it to orbit easily (I don't know what game version or mod version they were using though). Basically I'm wondering what other peoples opinions are on it? Also is there a less op alternative around or are they not as op as I they appear? Any ideas? (I know you're probably thinking just try them out but if they are as cool as they appear, I might be tempted to say screw it! I'm having op spaceplanes lol which will ruin the challenge). Cheers
  4. Hi, mod noob here. I've installed RoverDudes USI constellation pack, I then went to download this awesome looking mod & CKAN warns me that they may be incompatible as the both use 000_AT_Utils. Can anyone tell me if these mods will play nice together? If so is there a way to bypass CKAN's warning or should I just install manually from GitHub & overwrite any duplicates? Thanks in advance to any help
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