I'd like to launch this discussion: Dev Blogs have come to an end? First of exposing all the criticism I have, let me start saying a thing that I would like to mantain clear during the discussion: I love SQUAD and I love KSP. I expect that you do too, or at least you mantain respect for Dev's work. That say, I have to express a bit of my upset for the way developing of KSP is comunicated to the community. Let's start with number: since august 2013, we have had 5 Dev Blog entries, with bits of interesting information and near no images. But I see this tendency to have started some time before, near june. What about articles? Our great PD and Maxmaps kept us informed, with their KSP weekly, about developing of the game in a way that I would define Heroic. But I have to say that, comparing with the past (and with no blames for PD and Maxmaps), articles from the devs were more expressive because they were full of images and source explaination on what was boiling in the pot. In few words, I think that what IMO was a really good caracteristic of ksp interaction between developers and community is coming to an end, I see now clear than ever that devs are detaching this type of comunication from them, losing in expressivity. I'm sad about this, every time I visit the forum I HOPE there's a new entry with consistent information and images, but since some months I don't find that. I miss the ol' days where C7 and Harvester (and others) were posting something about their work. Are you comparting this feel with me? PS: I know, now you'll start saying "ok, but with 0.21 and 0.22 devs were really busy with implementing stuffs and no time to write something" yes you're right, but it doesn't change the fact that we have little infos about developing, and I think that 10 minutes a day exist for 1 dev (I don't say 2 or 3, I say only 1) to write or posting an image without writing. If not everyday, once a week but NOT with KSP weekly. PPS: Sorry for bad english, I don't want right now to revise errors .