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Everything posted by Collot999

  1. Do you rememeber that hill? Well, all remaining rocks is falling now on earth, a lot of they hit in just your hill and completely destroy that area, now is a new area with a lot of lava, too hot for humans. I claim a new hill, in the same conditions with my last hill-fortress, adding to anti nuclear defense system My new anti-nuclear-fortress-hill
  2. because the hill is a bog (6 posts ago) it is more weeck, all hill is starting to colaps by jupiter gravity, that hill can't be recover. also I launch a lot of "don quijote" space proyect in random orvits (some of they are gosht to radars) will destroy any new hill if go to orvit. I declare a new hill out of range of my naval artillery, I scan it to make sure is not going to be a new bug, or colaps. (also is too heavy to send to space or make it fly) I send a big army and I build a huge base here. the new hull is too far from whater to get ship supporting the atacks. my new fort-hill ;D
  3. Spain decaid don't have enough money, all survivors return to home and unclaim the hill (for now) Now is unclaimed hill For cover my return I bombarded and destroy skyer's ships with naval artillery
  4. You didn't notice the new hill is in range of Spanish naval artillery Now hill is under heavy fire, some rounds hit directly in your base and complete destroy it. After my artillery stop shooting I send some paratroopers to kill the survivors and take the hill I send to the hill 50 leopard 2 A4, 100 leopard 2 E (URL For info: https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivo:Leopardo_2E_campo_a_través.jpg ) and we deploy some Anty air weapons URLs from AAA: http://www.ejercito.mde.es/materiales/artilleria_antiaerea/caaa35-90-007.html http://www.ejercito.mde.es/materiales/artilleria_antiaerea/NASAMS.html
  5. After hill low altitude for long time, it's starting to the rejoin in to atmosphere; the friction + all damage before is doing the hill start to break. After some time the hill got complete destroy by the friction in a lot of mall rocks (some of these rocks go to orbit again, but can fall to earth in any moment), the rest of these rocks didn't do important damage. I captured a new hill with some paratroopers. My new hill
  6. I use Spanish "don Quijote" space project URL for info: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Quijote_(spacecraft) It impact, but don't destroy the hill, after that the hill boosters control system lose the control, slow too the orbital speed and disable 68% of boosters. Now hill is falling again to the earth, full out of control (turning in the 3 axys) Your out of control-falling on earth hill
  7. I will do a night surprise attack on the hill and... W.T.F.??? LEARN TO DRIVE NOOBS They do the attackers got spotted, missed the surprise factor I lose the combat Your Hill. T_T
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