Hi, welcome to the forum! Quick tip to help you adjust those orbits to make them circular. Firstly, any burn your make affects the point on the opposite side of the planet. If you burn at your PE the AP will change, and so on. You have two choices: you can prograde (burn whilst aiming at the circle on the navball, or retrograde (burn towards the circle with a cross in it). Prograde will mean a higher orbit on the opposite side of the planet, retrograde a lower one. Now imagine your PE is 80,000m and your AP is 100,000, and you would like a circular orbit at that 100,000ms. Wait until you reach your AP and your prograde burn (facing the circle). Watch in map view until your altitude at PE approaches 100,000m and stop burning. Try to be as accurate as possible. The AP and PE symbols will shift and might even flick all over the place if the PE and AP are very close, (don\'t worry if the symbols flicker, it\'s a good thing). You can prograde/retrograde burn anywhere in your orbit, not just the AP and PE, and it will affect the point on the opposite side of the planet, and the AP and PE points will shift. Map view is useful for this stuff. You may need to do several orbits and adjust at the AP and PE several times to get a really neat orbit. Also, all orbits should be above 70,000ms. To get those guys home all you would do is retrograde burn until your orbit comes back down to the planet. Hope that helps, that\'s a rough guide so still lots for you to learn. Your mission: go back to one of your spacecraft and make a circular obit at 100,000ms.