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Everything posted by Parole

  1. I am not sure what happened, but all reactors in game seem to be underperforming by quite a bit, all of the sudden. I hadn't updated anything, other than whatever the module manager does when loading. The photo is of a station that was behaving normally (1.5GW of thermal power per Molten Salt reactor), but after loading up last night is only producing ~MW. The one reactor over performing the others spent some time shutdown. I thought maybe it was actinide buildup, even though the storage is low, so I dropped several different reactor/generator/radiator setups on the ground, and all seem to be producing much less heat than their theoretical supply. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated. My install is running KSPI-E 1.12.22, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Kerbal Engineer and MechJeb2
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