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  1. When I first got the game, I donated a few dollars/pounds for a fantastic gem. It had little, but was fascinating in every way; rocket science for the masses. With every passing addition, I find my hunger grows. I want more and more additions, a bigger and better game. I don\'t think my appetite will be fuller satisfied, you have a lot to live up to...
  2. I\'ve never used Mech-Jeb, and I without doubt would feel less of an achievement doing so. I\'ve never used Quick-Save - Quick-Load either, although mainly because I don\'t know the button to Quick-Load (hey it\'s only been around for a few days, right?) I didn\'t have a clue about the game when I started, it took hours to put a rocket into space. Many more hours where spent crashing into the mun. Finally I managed it, and now I consider myself a pretty decent kerbonaut. The only thing I\'ve yet to achieve is to get 2 ships to rendezvous
  3. Thanks, guess I\'ve missunderstood how to use these. Hopefully I can get a little more thrust out of the rocket by choosing which order fuel tanks to use.
  4. 'Pre Ordered' the game from the U.K. Less than 7 pounds for a game with so much potential is crazy. Keep adding features, and I may donate more. Cheers
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