I once had a dream where I was at my house sitting outside with all my neighbours from the old street where I used to live having a barbeque. My dad then told me to go inside to get some chips, then when I came back outside they weren't there and the ground was covered in leaves and flowers. I then walked around to the side of the house (where there is a big fallen tree in real life) and there was a big flower tree. I walked closer to it and then a koala walked out of it, then 2 then 3 koalas came out of the tree. I started running but I couldn't run fast, my legs just wouldn't work. Then while slowly and awkwardly running, I opened the bag of chips and started throwing chips at the koalas. After about 4 chips the bag was empty, even though it still had some weight to it. I then dropped the bag and turned around to begin the slow run again, got inside the house, locked all the doors and went upstairs to find the koalas had got in somehow. Then I woke up. It was very weird